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How AI is Used in Recommendation Systems

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Recommendation systems are bridges that bring users together with all the amazing items that they will be interested in. There's more than one way these systems can work their magic, but they all share the goal of finding the perfect fit between users and the things they'll love. One of the approaches, "user-item collaborative filtering", is like a mind reader! It can even guess how people might feel about an item they've never seen before.

No more wasting time searching and scrolling, these systems save you the hassle and bring the best products and services straight to you. Sometimes, they help discover something exciting that you never would have thought to look for.

Recommendation systems are used in a variety of industries transforming user experience and bringing immense profits to business! Imagine having someone who knows exactly what you like and always has great suggestions. In stores, they show us things we might like to buy. In the entertainment world, they suggest movies, TV shows, and music just for us. And even in the healthcare industry, they help match patients with the right treatments and medicines. Recommendation systems are our own personal assistants, helping companies understand what we like and suggest personalized offers!

It may seem to you that AI-based recommendation systems have no downsides. But it isn't so. Of course, even such a progressive system isn't perfect.

  • One of the biggest challenges is finding the perfect balance between accuracy and diversity in the suggestions. It's important to ensure people see things they're bound to love, but also to surprise them with new and exciting options. And there is a chance they might like new options even more than usual ones.
  • The other challenge is security. Everybody worries about privacy when it comes to sharing personal information, and that makes sense. So, companies should make it a top priority to be transparent and build trust with their customers. 
  • Making something new is always hard, isn’t it? When a new user or item is added to the system, it might be hard for the recommendation system to make suggestions right away. This is called the "cold start" problem. 
  • Finally, the challenge of data sparsity can sometimes arise when there's not enough information about certain users or items. And this can make it difficult for the recommendation system to provide personalized suggestions.

Don’t you think there are lots of challenges to overcome? That's true! But here is a great solution. AI helps to solve the challenges that recommendation systems face.

With the help of smart technology, AI can provide the ultimate personalization experience! By using deep learning algorithms, such as neural networks, AI can analyze a wealth of data and make predictions that take into account a user's likes and dislikes, context, and any changes in behavior. The result is a recommendation that's tailored just for you! 

Depending on the data that you have, different algorithms and neural networks can be used to build the most proper recommendation system.

AI helps recommendation systems tackle challenges such as the "cold start" problem, when a system encounters a user for the first time and has no idea what a user likes. It uses things like collaborative and content-based filtering to solve this issue. As a result, it makes the start smoother.

At Tensorway, we use a combination of techniques, such as collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, matrix factorization, and deep learning algorithms to build for our customers the best possible recommendation system.

One of the things that set us apart from other recommendation systems development approaches is our focus on the user experience. We know how recommendations are presented can be just as important as the recommendations themselves. That's why we are working hard to create a visually appealing and intuitive interface that allows customers to easily find the products and services they're looking for.

Another advantage of our approach is that  we're using AI to improve our recommendation system by incorporating real-time data into our recommendations. This means that we take into account not just a user's past behavior, but also any changes in their interests and preferences in real-time. This helps us provide our customers with recommendations that are even more personalized and relevant to them. Isn’t it so cool?

Finally, like curious explorers, we're always looking for new and innovative ways to use AI to solve the challenges that recommendation systems face. Whether it's through the use of cutting-edge algorithms or the development of new technologies, we're always pushing the boundaries of what's possible in this field.

And you must be dying to know how our recommendation systems work. It uses a combination of AI techniques to make accurate and personalized recommendations to users. Let’s explain it step-by-step:

  • Data collection is the first step. We advise what data is the best to use in your specific case. It may be  user behavior, preferences, and interactions with our system, information about items to recommend. This data is then used as a basis to build a profile of each user, which includes their interests and behaviors, as well as item descriptions in cases similar to collaborative filtering. Additionally, we may suggest ways to gather more information about the users in order to maximize predictive power of our models. 
  • Pre-processing and cleaning data is the next move. We must ensure data is ready for model training . This includes removing any irrelevant or duplicate information, feature selection, feature extraction and transforming the data into a format that can be easily used by our AI algorithms. 
  • Collaborative filtering is a technique that uses the similarities between users' preferences to make recommendations. We compare what different users like and don’t like then make recommendations based on similarities between users and preferences. For example, if two users have similar tastes in movies and those users are similar in a certain way, we might recommend a movie to one user based on the other user's preferences.
  • Content-based filtering is also a really cool recommendation technique that works by using all the features of the items you might be interested in, to make customized recommendations just for you!  We take a close look at the content, its descriptions, rating and attributes of each item and compare them to what you like. 
  • For more accurate and engaging recommendations, we utilize NLP models such as BERT in order to get the best representations of specific contexts. This approach drastically improves the quality of recommendation and solves a few problems of older approaches in the process. So, if you're a fan of action movies, we'll use that information to suggest some new, exciting action movies that we think you'll love. How cool is that?
  • A hybrid system blends the best of two worlds - collaborative filtering and content-based filtering to give you the ultimate recommendations experience. With this combination, we strike a perfect balance between both methods, ensuring that the recommendations you receive are not only highly informative but also incredibly accurate. 
  • Finally, we use additional deep learning models  to capture information about user feedback and predict probability of interaction between a user and an item.. This helps us to personalize recommendations even further and ensure they are accurate and relevant. Can you imagine it is possible to make such predictions? 

Our use of AI technology is what sets us apart and helps us to deliver highly accurate suggestions every time. It's like having a personal shopping assistant by your side!

So, if you need some guidance on your next purchase or want to discover new things that you'll love, Tensorway is here to help. Our recommendation system is designed with you in mind, so sit back and let us take care of the rest!

Irina Lysenko
Head of Sales
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